4 May, 2020
Sprains & strains - what to do?
Approximate reading time: 2 minutes
RICE, PRICE, RICERS, POLICE. There’s been a lot of advice given when you sprain your ankle or any other soft tissue injury.
Now we have another one to throw into the mix.
In the initial stages of an injury, first do no HARM and let PEACE guide your approach. Then after the first few days, the injury needs some LOVE.
Avoid HARM for Sprains & Strains
Avoid HARM for the first couple of days after an injury.
H - heat including hot packs, baths and saunas
A - alcohol prolongs the healing process
R - running or exercise which aggravates the pain
M - massage directly to the injured site. Elsewhere may be appropriate.
Let PEACE guide your approach to Sprains and Strains
For the first 1 - 3 days, use the PEACE principles.
P - protect from re-injury by reducing HARM
E - elevate the injury higher than your heart
A - avoid anti-inflammatory medication to allow healing
C - compress with taping or bandages
E - education on the benefits of staying active during the healing process
Give some LOVE to your Sprains and Strains
L - load the healing tissues to promote strong repairments
O - optimise your thoughts. Most injuries recover quickly!
V - vascularisation (blood flow) with cardiovascular exercise that is pain-free
E - exercise (rehab) to restore strength, mobility and brain control (proprioception)
Your Sports Chiropractor, Remedial Massage Therapist or Myotherapist can give you a more detailed plan and help guide your rehabilitation program.
Appointments available in Moonee Ponds or online.
About the Author

Dr Cassie Atkinson-Quinton - Chiropractor, Pilates Instructor and Perinatal Yoga & Pilates Instructor
With 10 years experience treating musculoskeletal conditions, Cassie uses a range of therapies including gentle adjustments, specific massage techniques, laser therapy and home rehabilitation plans incorporating Pilates & yoga. She regularly treats headaches, migraines, back pain and sports injuries.

Dr Tonilee Pelz - Chiropractor & Pilates Instructor
Dr Tonilee has completed the two year Chiropractic Sport Science certificate. She may assess your squat, adjust your gym program or massage while you move. Sports Chiropractors use a range of techniques according to your injury. She's also a trained Pilates Instructor with specialised training in pre and post-natal Pilates.