
Rebates Available

  • Private Health Insurance

  • Medicare with a GP referral

Chiropractic & Dietetics

Full Concession Kids
Initial $145 $135 $130-135
Follow Up $61-126 $56-116 $56-79

Dietetic Medicare Sessions

Dietetic Medicare sessions are further discounted for an out of pocket expense of only $50 (or $60 for senior practitioner) for initial and $21 (or $26 for senior practitioner) for follow ups.

Senior Practitioners

Senior chiropractors and dietitians incur a $5-10 surcharge on top of the above rates.


Full Concession
Initial $145 $135
Follow Up $114 $109


Full Concession & Kids
Initial $189 $179
Follow Up $68-166 $63-156

Senior Practitioners

Senior naturopath incurs a $5-10 surcharge on top of the above rates.

Neurofeedback/ Neuro-Rehabilitation

Full Concession
Initial $283 $273
Neurofeedback & Neuro-rehab sessions $94-179 $89-169
QEEG Brain Scan $216 $216
QEEG Report - Brief $95 $95
QEEG Report - Standard $290 $290
QEEG Report - Detailed $445 $445

Senior Practitioners

Senior neuro-therapists incur a $5-10 surcharge on top of the above rates.

QEEG Brain Scans

Brain scans involve the collection of the data (the scan) and the interpretation of that information (the report). Your practitioner will discuss what report is recommended for you. Most frequently, we’d recommend an in-depth full analysis (detailed report). For more details about the different types of reports, please check this out.

Sometimes, at the request of an external practitioner, we perform a brain scan to share the data with the referring practitioner for them to write their own report. We’ll send the raw EEG data unedited to your practitioner. In this case, you’ll just pay for the scan. Your referring practitioner will charge for their time editing, reporting and interpreting the data.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Initial $150
Follow up $100
3 session package $300 (save $50)

A Wide Range of Disciplines for a Wider Range of Symptoms

Our professional team are trained in a wide range of modalities. Meaning we can match a therapist with a wide array of symptoms & desired health outcomes.